Waymo Open Sim Agents Challenge Submission#

This tutorial covers how to use Waymax to create a Waymo Open Sim Agents Challenge (WOSAC) submission.

Please also refer to the WOSAC submission notebook for additional reference and for setting up a submission without Waymax.

!pip install waymo-open-dataset-tf-2-11-0==1.6.0

import os
import jax
from jax import random
from jax import numpy as jnp
import tensorflow as tf

from waymo_open_dataset.protos import sim_agents_submission_pb2
from waymax import agents
from waymax import config as _config
from waymax import dynamics
from waymax import dataloader
from waymax import datatypes
from waymax import env as _env



To load data for a WOSAC submission, we write a custom dataloader that processes the scenario IDs. These are normally discarded in the default Waymax dataloader as they are not used during simulation and JAX does not have native support for string data. The scenario ID is stored in the field scenario/id as described in the tf.Example spec.

This custom dataloader defines a preprocessor _preprocess that decodes the scenario ID into an array of bytes, and a postprocessor _postprocess that converts those bytes into the string scenario ID. The actual scenario data is processed in the same way as the default dataloader in Waymax.

data_config = _config.WOD_1_2_0_TEST

# Write a custom dataloader that loads scenario IDs.
def _preprocess(serialized: bytes) -> dict[str, tf.Tensor]:
  womd_features = dataloader.womd_utils.get_features_description(
  womd_features['scenario/id'] = tf.io.FixedLenFeature([1], tf.string)

  deserialized = tf.io.parse_example(serialized, womd_features)
  parsed_id = deserialized.pop('scenario/id')
  deserialized['scenario/id'] = tf.io.decode_raw(parsed_id, tf.uint8)

  return dataloader.preprocess_womd_example(

def _postprocess(example: dict[str, tf.Tensor]):
  scenario = dataloader.simulator_state_from_womd_dict(example)
  scenario_id = example['scenario/id']
  return scenario_id, scenario

def decode_bytes(data_iter):
  for scenario_id, scenario in data_iter:
    scenario_id = scenario_id.tobytes().decode('utf-8')
    yield scenario_id, scenario

data_iter = decode_bytes(dataloader.get_data_generator(
      data_config, _preprocess, _postprocess

Environment and Agent Configuration#

The following code initializes the environment and sim agent used for simulation. In this example, we use a constant speed actor which will maintain the course and speed that the agent has at the initial timestep.

WOSAC evaluates metrics on all agents valid at the initial timestep. Therefore, the is_controlled field is set to all valid agents at the 11th timestep.

Other configurations related to the agent and environment are customizable. This includes the dynamics model (here, we use the InvertibleBicycleModel) and the type of sim agent to evaluate.

env_config = _config.EnvironmentConfig(
    # Ensure that the sim agent can control all valid objects.

dynamics_model = dynamics.InvertibleBicycleModel()
env = _env.MultiAgentEnvironment(

agent = agents.create_constant_speed_actor(
    # Controlled objects are those valid at t=0.
    is_controlled_func=lambda state: state.log_trajectory.valid[..., CURRENT_TIME_INDEX]

jit_step = jax.jit(env.step)
jit_select_action = jax.jit(agent.select_action)

Generating Rollouts#

We can now define a function that will rollout the environment and agent to generate trajectories. The WOSAC submission format consists of multiple protobufs defined in sim_agents_submission_pb2. These consist of (copied from the WOSAC submission notebook):

  • SimulatedTrajectory contains one trajectory for a single object, with the fields we need to simulate (x, y, z, heading).

  • JointScene is a set of all the object trajectories from a single simulation, describing one of the possible rollouts.

  • ScenarioRollouts is a collection of all the parallel simulations for a single initial Scenario.

  • SimAgentsChallengeSubmission is used to package submissions for multiple Scenarios (e.g. for the whole testing dataset).

Here, we will write a function generate_scenario_rollout that generates a ScenarioRollouts protobuf from a single input scenario. By default, WOSAC requires 32 rollouts per scenario. Our actor is deterministic so all 32 rollouts will be identical, but we still generate these rollouts to provide an accurate example of a proper submission.

We also provide a utility function validate_scenario_rollout to help ensure that the scenario rollouts have the correct format before uploading.

def validate_scenario_rollout(scenario_rollouts: sim_agents_submission_pb2.ScenarioRollouts,
                              scenario: datatypes.SimulatorState):
  """Verifies if scenario_rollouts has correct formatting."""
  valid_sim_agents = scenario.log_trajectory.valid[..., CURRENT_TIME_INDEX]
  sim_agent_id_idxs = jnp.where(valid_sim_agents)[0]
  sim_agent_ids = scenario.object_metadata.ids[sim_agent_id_idxs].tolist()

  if len(scenario_rollouts.joint_scenes) != N_ROLLOUTS:
    raise ValueError('Incorrect number of parallel simulations. '
                     f'(Actual: {len(scenario_rollouts.joint_scenes)}, '
                     f'Expected: {N_ROLLOUTS})')

  def _raise_if_wrong_length(trajectory, field_name, expected_length):
    if len(getattr(trajectory, field_name)) != expected_length:
      raise ValueError(f'Invalid {field_name} tensor length '
                     f'(actual: {len(getattr(trajectory, field_name))}, '
                     f'expected: {expected_length})')

  for joint_scene in scenario_rollouts.joint_scenes:
    simulated_ids = []
    for simulated_trajectory in joint_scene.simulated_trajectories:
      # Check the length of each of the simulated fields.
      _raise_if_wrong_length(simulated_trajectory, 'center_x', N_SIMULATION_STEPS)
      _raise_if_wrong_length(simulated_trajectory, 'center_y', N_SIMULATION_STEPS)
      _raise_if_wrong_length(simulated_trajectory, 'center_z', N_SIMULATION_STEPS)
      _raise_if_wrong_length(simulated_trajectory, 'heading', N_SIMULATION_STEPS)
      # Check that each object ID is present in the original WOMD scenario.
      if simulated_trajectory.object_id not in sim_agent_ids:
        raise ValueError(
            f'Object {simulated_trajectory.object_id} is not a sim agent.')
    # Check that all of the required objects/agents are simulated.
    missing_agents = set(sim_agent_ids) - set(simulated_ids)
    if missing_agents:
      raise ValueError(
          f'Sim agents {missing_agents} are missing from the simulation.')

def generate_scenario_rollout(
    scenario_id: str,
    scenario: datatypes.SimulatorState) -> sim_agents_submission_pb2.ScenarioRollouts:
  """Simulate 32 rollouts and return a ScenarioRollouts protobuf."""
  joint_scenes = []
  key = random.PRNGKey(0)
  for _ in range(N_ROLLOUTS):
    initial_state = current_state = env.reset(scenario)
    # Controlled objects are those valid at t=0.
    is_controlled = scenario.log_trajectory.valid[..., CURRENT_TIME_INDEX]

    # Run the sim agent for 80 steps.
    for _ in (range(initial_state.remaining_timesteps)):
      key, actor_key = random.split(key, 2)
      actor_output = jit_select_action({}, current_state, None, actor_key)
      next_state = jit_step(current_state, actor_output.action)
      current_state = next_state

    # Write out result
    final_trajectory = current_state.sim_trajectory
    object_ids = current_state.object_metadata.ids  # Shape (n_objects,)
    object_ids = jnp.where(is_controlled, object_ids, -1)

    simulated_trajectories = []
    for i, object_id in enumerate(object_ids):
      if object_id != -1:
        simulated_trajectory = sim_agents_submission_pb2.SimulatedTrajectory(
                  center_x=final_trajectory.x[i, env_config.init_steps:],
                  center_y=final_trajectory.y[i, env_config.init_steps:],
                  center_z=final_trajectory.z[i, env_config.init_steps:],
                  heading=final_trajectory.yaw[i, env_config.init_steps:],
    joint_scene = sim_agents_submission_pb2.JointScene(

  scenario_rollouts =  sim_agents_submission_pb2.ScenarioRollouts(
    scenario_id=scenario_id, joint_scenes=joint_scenes
  validate_scenario_rollout(scenario_rollouts, scenario)
  return scenario_rollouts

Generating the Submission#

We are now ready to generate the submission file. Because the data is potentially large (over the 2GB maximum size for a protobuf), we process the data in a streaming fashion and write out results incrementally. The testing set of Waymo Open Motion Dataset v1.2.0 has 44926 segments – this step may take a significant amount of time if the rollout generation time is long.

After we process all of the data, we zip the individual shards to create a zip file ready for submission. Please refer to the Open dataset website for further instructions.

OUTPUT_ROOT_DIRECTORY = '/tmp/waymo_sim_agents/'
os.makedirs(OUTPUT_ROOT_DIRECTORY, exist_ok=True)
output_filenames = []
scenario_rollouts = []

for i, (scenario_id, scenario) in enumerate(data_iter):
  scenario_rollouts.append(generate_scenario_rollout(scenario_id, scenario))

  if i % 5 == 0 and i > 0:
    shard_suffix = '.%d' % i
    shard_submission = sim_agents_submission_pb2.SimAgentsChallengeSubmission(
          description='Submission from the Waymax - Sim Agents tutorial',
    scenario_rollouts = []
    output_filename = f'submission.binproto{shard_suffix}'
    with open(os.path.join(OUTPUT_ROOT_DIRECTORY, output_filename), 'wb') as f:

# Once we have created all the shards, we can package them directly into a
# tar.gz archive, ready for submission.
with tarfile.open(
    os.path.join(OUTPUT_ROOT_DIRECTORY, 'submission.tar.gz'), 'w:gz') as tar:
    for output_filename in output_filenames:
      tar.add(os.path.join(OUTPUT_ROOT_DIRECTORY, output_filename),