Understanding and Manipulating Data in Waymax#

This tutorial covers data structures in Waymax.

import dataclasses
import jax
from jax import numpy as jnp
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from waymax import config as _config
from waymax import dataloader
from waymax import datatypes
# Load example data.
config = dataclasses.replace(_config.WOD_1_1_0_VALIDATION, max_num_objects=32)
data_iter = dataloader.simulator_state_generator(config=config)
scenario = next(data_iter)

JAX-based data structures#

The key property with all data structures in Waymax is that all data is immutable. This is a design decision that is inherited from JAX and enables code written using Waymax to be compatible with the powerful functional transforms in JAX, such as jit, vmap, etc. While efficiency may be a concern with immutable data structures, wrapping your function in jax.jit will allow JAX to optimize and replace your operations with in-place operations wherever possible, avoiding the need for excessive data copying.

Additionally, all datastructures in Waymax are implemented as dataclasses. This allows convenient named access to fields, and allows simple nesting of data structures that is easy to manipulate with tree-based operations (such as those in jax.tree_util).

The first example we will cover is the datatypes.Trajectory data structure, which holds the pose information for all objects. The scenario that we loaded contains a trajectory containing the logged behavior for all agents under the scenario.log_trajectory attribute.

log_trajectory = scenario.log_trajectory

# Number of objects stored in this trajectory.
print('Number of objects:', log_trajectory.num_objects)
print('Number of timesteps:', log_trajectory.num_timesteps)
print('Trajectory shape (num_objects, num_timesteps):', log_trajectory.shape)
print('XYZ positions (num_objects, num_timesteps, 3):', log_trajectory.xyz.shape)
print('XY velocities (num_objects, num_timesteps, 2):', log_trajectory.vel_xy.shape)
print('Yaw (num_objects, num_timesteps):', log_trajectory.yaw.shape)

The datatypes module contains some helper methods that automatically map over datastructures. We can use datatypes.dynamic_slice to select out the trajectory belonging to a particular object or at a particular timestep. These operations, as with all JAX operations, will return new copies of the object they are modifying.

# Slice by time. Select the trajectory at timestep 23.
traj_t23 = datatypes.dynamic_slice(log_trajectory, start_index=23, slice_size=1, axis=-1)
print('XYZ positions (num_objects, 1, 3):', traj_t23.xyz.shape)

# Slice by object. Select the trajectory for object 15.
traj_obj15 = datatypes.dynamic_slice(log_trajectory, start_index=15, slice_size=1, axis=-2)
print('XYZ positions (1, num_timesteps, 3):', traj_obj15.xyz.shape)

Of course, JAX functions from the core library also work on Waymax data structures. The tree_map function is particularly useful for working with dataclasses, and will apply a single function to all fields in the data structure (recursively if there are nested data structures).

def max_along_time(x: jax.Array) -> jax.Array:
  return jnp.max(x, axis=-1, keepdims=True)

max_trajectory = jax.tree_util.tree_map(max_along_time, log_trajectory)
print('XYZ positions (num_objects, 1, 3):', max_trajectory.xyz.shape)

To modify the values of the data structure, we can use dataclasses.replace to replace entire fields, and Array.at[idx].set(value) to selectively modify individual values. For example, to set the all yaws for object 1 to zero, we can use the following code snippet:

zeroed_traj = dataclasses.replace(

# Should be the original values.
print('Yaws for object 0, timesteps 0 to 5:', zeroed_traj.yaw[0, 0:5])

# Should be now set to 0.
print('Yaws for object 1, timesteps 0 to 5:', zeroed_traj.yaw[1, 0:5])

Other important data structures#

We will now cover the remaining important data structures that are stored in a scenario.

The datatypes.RoadgraphPoints data structure holds all static information regarding the road and environment. This includes all lanes markers, road edges, stop signs, speed bumps, and crosswalks.

  • The x, y, and z attributes define the spatial coordinates of the points.

  • The type attribute is an integer that defines what type of point (lane, edge, stop sign, etc.) the point is. See roadgraph_samples/type of the Waymo Open Motion Dataset for definitions of which value corresponds to what type of point.

  • The dir_x and dir_y attributes define the orientation of the points. Lane points will orient in the forward direction of the lane. Edge points are oriented such that the inside of the road is always on the port side (left if facing forward) of the point.

  • The id field is a unique identifier for each contiguous lane. Lanes end if there is an intersection or reach the edge of the map.

# Plot the roadgraph, with colors corresponding to the road type.
rg_points = scenario.roadgraph_points

where_valid = rg_points.valid
    x = rg_points.x[where_valid],
    y = rg_points.y[where_valid],
    c = rg_points.types[where_valid]

The datatypes.TrafficLights structure holds time-varying information regarding the color and position of the traffic lights.

  • The x, y, and z attributes define the spatial location of the light.

  • The state attribute defines what color the light is at a particular instance in time.

  • The lane_ids attribute tells what lanes the traffic light is controlling. These can be cross-referenced with the RoadgraphPoints.ids field.

traffic_lights = scenario.log_traffic_light

print('Traffic Light States (num_lights, num_timesteps):', traffic_lights.shape)

Finally, datatypes.ObjectMetadata holds

  • The object_types attribute defines whether the object is a vehicle, pedestrian, or cyclist.

  • The ids attribute assigns a unique ID to each object.

  • The is_sdc attribute defines whether the object is the ego-vehicle (or self-driving car).

  • The is_modeled attribute marks whether the object’s behavior is meant to be predicted as part of the Waymo Open Motion dataset.

metadata = scenario.object_metadata
print('All object IDS:', metadata.ids)

# Color-code object trajectory by whether it is the SDC or not.
# The SDC trajectory in the center is shown in blue, and all other trajectories
# are shown in red.
flat_trajectory = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.reshape(x, [-1]), log_trajectory)
colors = jnp.zeros(log_trajectory.shape, dtype=jnp.int32).at[metadata.is_sdc].set(1)
colors = jnp.reshape(colors, [-1])

where_valid = flat_trajectory.valid